
A new week

Kaitlin is getting over her cold she's had since Thursday morning. We had a little scare on Sat (very early morning about 1:30am) - she was weazing a bit and I was scared she had croup again. But she must have just had a dry throat. She seems ok today, nose is still running a little. Hopefully we will be able to go to our 2 playdates this week. Tomorrow is Ocean Tumblers, a lot of fun! Ryan has informed us that he's ready for the training wheels to be taken off of his bike! We'll see what happens. In a few weeks when the weather gets warm and stays warm he'll be able to get out a lot more. Thursday we were almost 80 and he had a great time on his scooter and bike.

Signs of spring are here! We have a ton of Robins in the back yard and all of our trees are flowering. My tulips and daffodils are almost all the way up, can't wait to see what they end up looking like!

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