
Spring is here!

We have had beautiful weather the past few days. Starting Thursday w/ low 70's and today and tomorrow in the low 80's. This week we got a visit from Aunt Stacey and cousin Meagan on wednesday and they left on saturday morning. I can't believe how big she's getting. She's walking now and has 5 teeth!! She is also talking and signing a lot. Kaitlin had fun having a playmate for a few days. They get along well but each have certain things they are possesive of. Ryan had fun watching and playing with Meagan too, she really loves on him a lot!

Saturday afternoon we had some excitement in the neighborhood. Almost in our back yard. A neighbor thought they had put out a small fire in their back yard and well it wasn't quite out!! It lead to a huge brush fire and the fire department had to be called. Chris and other neighbors rushed to put it out w/ hoses, bucket, coolers you name it, full of water. It took about 2 1/2 hours to get it out. They even had to bring in a ladder truck to battle it from the field behind us. Here are some pics -

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