
Kaitlin's Stats

Today Kaitlin had her 18 month well check up. Here are her stats: Weight 23.8 lbs (less than 50%), Height 32 1/4 inches (over 50%), head 19 inches (right at 90 %). Her head did not grow which is good - it's back on the curve again. Last time it had taken a jump. Her diagnosis is healthy and she's off the charts as far as motor skills for 18 mos.

After her appt. we went to the grocery store to pick up the order I placed online last night, well it wasn't ready. So to make it up to me I got a large caramel macchiato on them! I'm glad they have a starbucks inside. Kaitlin also got a pink balloon, she was very happy about it. It only took about 5 mins and my order was ready. They had 3 people shopping for me...I felt so important!

Tomorrow is our first Babygarten class and we are looking forward to it. Hopefully Kaitlin will be able to sit still through it all. Wish us luck.

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