
Getting Ready for a Busy Week

This past week was kind of busy but this week we are going to be busy every day. Kaitlin and I have a playgroup everyday and she has her 18 month appt. on Tues. Sometime this week we are going to have to squeeze in the grocery store!

My dad was here this past weekend. We had a nice visit. Gail and I went into "downtown" Suffolk. She didn't know there was one. I showed her all of the old victorian houses and the old chruches. We then went to an antique shop that was going out of business. I could have bought a lot of things but we just don't have room in the house for things to just sit out and look pretty. Everything needs to have a function. We went out to dinner and then they went to stay at the beach. They came buy this morning before driving home and we went to lunch.

We are still having very weird weather. Saturday it was 65 then Sunday barely 40. I hope it warms up a little this week.

I'll post and update to Kaitlin's dr. appt on Tues....

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