
More Warm Weather

Well it was 72 yesterday!! I'm loving this winter - if you can call it that. Today is the last day of another warm streek. It's going to be about 68 or so but rainy. Yesterday we had a playgroup at our house and it was nice to go out and play. We put up Kaitlin's new swing on the playset and she had a blast watching the older kids run around. All she wants to do is run out of our yard to go see the dog 2 houses over! Next week is cold again (40's 50's) and then who knows. Maybe some snow showers on Sunday...we haven't seen any snow yet. I wonder if we can make a whole season w/o it?? I'm so ready for Spring (minus the alergies). My tulips and daffodils are already starting to sprout from it being so warm!

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