
Visiting with Nonnie

This past weekend we went to stay with my mom because we were going to celebrate Stacey's b-day. We went up on Thursday after school got out (no school Friday b/c of Veteran's Day) and came home on Sunday. We visited Aunt Stacey and Meagan on Friday afternoon and had dinner with them on Saturday. Kaitlin did very well in the car this trip. Usually about an hour into the drive she's had enough and wants to get down. She has learned a new trick - how to get one arm out of the harness on her car seat! Good thing I even noticed it and when I did we were only about 5 mins from my mom's house. Ryan loves going to Nonnie's because she has so much fun stuff for him to play with. And he likes his "routine" at her house. Playing with all the same toys he did when he was a baby and he's getting a kick out of seeing Kaitlin play with the same things. Some of the things though he thinks are still "his" because he's the only one that ever played w/ them and now he technically is too old for them... oh well. Jack came over and Kaitlin loved that! The next day anytime she thought she heard someone outside the door she's say "Jack?"

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