
Raking Leaves

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Ryan didn't have school on Friday so he wanted to rake the leaves. Fine with us of course! We had a bad storm the day before with a lot of wind and it seemed to have blown all the leaves to the fence line. All he really had to do was rake right down the side. He was doing a great job until Kaitlin wanted to help and started spreading the leaves everywhere. Ryan decided he wanted to jump in his pile so I told him to go inside and get some play clothes on. I was going to be going in to so I could put Kaitlin down for her nap. We were in her room reading books while Ryan went back outside. The next thing I know he was running back into the house and his face had NO color! He had seen a snake! He was so terrified. We had never seen snakes in our yard before. From that point on he wouldn't go outside. He was also very concerned for our dog Jessie who was outside at that time. He did calm down but it took a while.

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