
Principal's List

Friday Chris and I got to have a Parent/Teacher conference at Ryan's school. They were handing out report cards and SOL testing results. Ryan got straight A's and that puts him on the Principal's List (Straight A Honor Roll). We are so proud of him. But it didn't stop there. We next got to see his SOL test results. He got perfect scores! On the math test he is ranked in the 99th perctile for the Nation and for Reading in the 97th percentile. (Meaning he is smarter than 99 and 97 % of 1st graders)! He is reading as well as a 2nd grader in their 5th month of school and his math skills are of the same level as a 3rd grader in the 7th month of school! He's learned all he can for 1st grade as far as math goes so he's pulled aside with a few other students and they have their own advanced class. After the good review we went to the school library where they were having a book fair and got a few books for a reward. (I think he's already read 2 of them)

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