
Kaitlin's 2 Year Well Check Up

I took Kaitlin to her 2 year well check last week. She is doing well and even showed off for the Dr. a little this time. She is slowly coming out of her shy phase - slowly!! Here are her stats:

Weight - 26 lbs (less than 50%)
Height - 32 1/2 inches (less than 50%)
Head - 19 6/8 inches (95%)

So everything is right on target. She gained 2 lbs in 6 mos and grew 2 inches. She got a my little pony sticker for being so good during her appointment and a bouncy ball for sitting still while they collected blood for a lead screening. And of course her book -they give a book to the kids each appointment. The next time we go will be in Oct. for flu shots!

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