
Tennessee 2006

We finally made it to one of Jack's family reunion's in Gaitlinburg, TN!! We stayed at a beautiful placed called Middle Creek Valley Chalets. It's at the top of a mountain. In addition to meeting the entire Bartley clan (almost) we had a lot of fun. Thursday was kind of a meet and greet and we had Kaitlin's party. Friday we got up early and went over to Dollywood. Ryan had a blast! Every time he got off of a ride he said it was the best one ever. The first ride was a SpongeBob motion simulater ride - he got a kick out of that. Then he and daddy went and got wet w/ Uncle Bob on a water ride. He went on just about everything and some of them twice. Kaitlin went on a few too but was a little hesitant. Since school had already started in that area there wasn't much of a crowd so the wait for rides was short. Saturday Chris went out golfing w/ Jack's son Jimmy while the rest of us (me, Kaity, Mom, Stacey and Meagan) went into Pigeon Forge for some shopping at the outlets and the quilt shop. Through out the day more and more people were gathering at the house. More names to remember! We had a huge dinner that night at the local Golden Corral. That night we packed up our things and just hung out. Chris played poker (like he had every night), and we played w/ the kids. Ryan also enjoyed learning how to play fooseball with some of the other kids his age. We can't wait until next year.

The pictures above are of our Chalet and the view from the front porch.

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