
Aunt Stacey and Cousin Meagan Visit

Last week we got to have lots of fun visiting with Aunt Stacey and Cousin Meagan for a whole week! Meagan and Kaity had a lot of fun playing with the kitchen set. It was a lot to clean up sometimes but worth it. Ryan enjoyed playing with his cousin Meagan but as always he tells us, "it's hard being the big brother and the big cousin." He'd hate to admit it but he has just as much fun with the kitchen set and other toys we have out for the girls as they do.

We even got to go through Ernesto on Friday with our guests. While Chris and I were at Ryan's 1st grade orientation we lost power, but only for about 2 hours and had some water come in our front bay window but no other damage.

Kaity did a better job of sticking up for herself this visit but still has a bit of an issue with sharing. We were constantly hearing, "No Meaggie!" Both girls are learning to count and would fill in the numbers the other didn't know or remember. They are also learning colors. Kaitlin's colors are "purple green" and Meagan's are "blue white." This means if you ask Kaity what color something is she automatically says purple, if that's wrong she'll say green. She does know purple and green though. The girls also enjoyed "swimming" in the tub.

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