
Kaitlin Turns 2!!

This past Thursday, August 17th Kaitlin turned 2 years old. Although she entered the "terrible two's" about 4 months ago when she started saying "NO". She celebrated most of her special day in the car :( . We were driving to TN for a family reunion in Gaitlinburg. Once we got the the Chalets she was met by Nonnie and Jack as well as Aunt Stacey, Uncle Bob and her cousin Meagan!! After dinner that night we opened tons of presents and had cake. This year she really understood the concept of tearing the paper right off! Only problem was after discovering what was inside she wanted to open up the toy and play with it right then, not see what was in the next package! When we came home on Sunday we opened everything up. Her favorites so far are her high heels that came w/ a princess dress up set, her shopping cart, her baby that goes pee pee, and her Jo Jo doll.

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