
Happy Birthday Jack

This past Wednesday was Jack's birthday. Mom had a party for him on Saturday at her house. Ryan, Kaitlin and I went up on Friday to help set up for the party and celebrate. I think he was shocked to see so many people there! Surprise!

We had a good visit, although it is always too short. When we came home Chris had done some landscaping in the yard and it looks beautiful. A little at a time and before you know it our back yard will be done too! I can't wait for that fence to be up.

This week is looking good. Kaitlin and I have Babygarten on Wednesday and playdates Tues and Friday. This weekend Ryan has a b-day party at the Air and Space Museum. It really sounds like a lot of fun, they get to go on a flight simulator ride! He is counting down the days.

We are warming up this week low 60's to start and 70's by the weekend and next week. Has spring finally arrived? I hope so. We want everything to bloom so that our allergies will go away. Kaitlin and I have really been suffering the past week.


Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hope everyone has had a great St. Patrick's Day so far. Kaitlin and I went to a playgroup that had a "green" theme this morning. She is wearing a kilt that was mine...held up pretty good for being 30 years old! I have been told that my grandparents got in when they were visiting Scottland/England so it's authenic. Other than that nothing eventfull. Too bad we can't go out tonight and celebrate, we'd need a sitter for that (and a child that would be ok w/ being left with one). Ryan would be ok but Kaity on the other hand.... and we just never know if she's going to sleep all night or not.


Spring is here!

We have had beautiful weather the past few days. Starting Thursday w/ low 70's and today and tomorrow in the low 80's. This week we got a visit from Aunt Stacey and cousin Meagan on wednesday and they left on saturday morning. I can't believe how big she's getting. She's walking now and has 5 teeth!! She is also talking and signing a lot. Kaitlin had fun having a playmate for a few days. They get along well but each have certain things they are possesive of. Ryan had fun watching and playing with Meagan too, she really loves on him a lot!

Saturday afternoon we had some excitement in the neighborhood. Almost in our back yard. A neighbor thought they had put out a small fire in their back yard and well it wasn't quite out!! It lead to a huge brush fire and the fire department had to be called. Chris and other neighbors rushed to put it out w/ hoses, bucket, coolers you name it, full of water. It took about 2 1/2 hours to get it out. They even had to bring in a ladder truck to battle it from the field behind us. Here are some pics -


A new week

Kaitlin is getting over her cold she's had since Thursday morning. We had a little scare on Sat (very early morning about 1:30am) - she was weazing a bit and I was scared she had croup again. But she must have just had a dry throat. She seems ok today, nose is still running a little. Hopefully we will be able to go to our 2 playdates this week. Tomorrow is Ocean Tumblers, a lot of fun! Ryan has informed us that he's ready for the training wheels to be taken off of his bike! We'll see what happens. In a few weeks when the weather gets warm and stays warm he'll be able to get out a lot more. Thursday we were almost 80 and he had a great time on his scooter and bike.

Signs of spring are here! We have a ton of Robins in the back yard and all of our trees are flowering. My tulips and daffodils are almost all the way up, can't wait to see what they end up looking like!