
Kaitlin's Stats

Today Kaitlin had her 18 month well check up. Here are her stats: Weight 23.8 lbs (less than 50%), Height 32 1/4 inches (over 50%), head 19 inches (right at 90 %). Her head did not grow which is good - it's back on the curve again. Last time it had taken a jump. Her diagnosis is healthy and she's off the charts as far as motor skills for 18 mos.

After her appt. we went to the grocery store to pick up the order I placed online last night, well it wasn't ready. So to make it up to me I got a large caramel macchiato on them! I'm glad they have a starbucks inside. Kaitlin also got a pink balloon, she was very happy about it. It only took about 5 mins and my order was ready. They had 3 people shopping for me...I felt so important!

Tomorrow is our first Babygarten class and we are looking forward to it. Hopefully Kaitlin will be able to sit still through it all. Wish us luck.


Getting Ready for a Busy Week

This past week was kind of busy but this week we are going to be busy every day. Kaitlin and I have a playgroup everyday and she has her 18 month appt. on Tues. Sometime this week we are going to have to squeeze in the grocery store!

My dad was here this past weekend. We had a nice visit. Gail and I went into "downtown" Suffolk. She didn't know there was one. I showed her all of the old victorian houses and the old chruches. We then went to an antique shop that was going out of business. I could have bought a lot of things but we just don't have room in the house for things to just sit out and look pretty. Everything needs to have a function. We went out to dinner and then they went to stay at the beach. They came buy this morning before driving home and we went to lunch.

We are still having very weird weather. Saturday it was 65 then Sunday barely 40. I hope it warms up a little this week.

I'll post and update to Kaitlin's dr. appt on Tues....


Happy President's Day

We started our day waking up to SNOW! Not much just a dusting. I put some in my hand to show Kaitlin and she wouldn't even touch it! I don't blame her, it's cold. Today Ryan is home from school and we are going to the mall to get his hair cut - he needs it bad. Then I'm going to let the kids run around in the play area and have some lunch. Hopefully Kaitlin will fall asleep in the car on the way home. Then it's laundry time and getting the house back in shape after the weekend.


Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope everyone is having or has had a good day. Kaitlin and I went to Ryan's class for his Valentine party at 2pm. She had a really good time hanging out with the big kids. Ryan also had a good time showing her off to his classmates. Tonight Chris is coaching Ryan's last basketball practice. Romantic huh? Thanks to everyone who sent cards/gifts to the kids. They love getting things in the mail.


Burrrr it's cold outside

Well that early spring is gone!! It was definately winter this weekend. Sat it got up into the 40's and Sunday never made it to 40!! This morning when I got up it was only 21! At least we only got snow flurries yesterday. My family in NoVA got about 10 inches. Jessie had fun trying to catch the flakes. I like a little snow only over the weekend (b/c I don't want to have to drive in it) for the kids to play in but other than that it can stay away! I did hear on the news this morning that we are going to be in the 60's again by Wed. I hope it sticks around for a while. With temps this cold I don't want to leave the house.


More Warm Weather

Well it was 72 yesterday!! I'm loving this winter - if you can call it that. Today is the last day of another warm streek. It's going to be about 68 or so but rainy. Yesterday we had a playgroup at our house and it was nice to go out and play. We put up Kaitlin's new swing on the playset and she had a blast watching the older kids run around. All she wants to do is run out of our yard to go see the dog 2 houses over! Next week is cold again (40's 50's) and then who knows. Maybe some snow showers on Sunday...we haven't seen any snow yet. I wonder if we can make a whole season w/o it?? I'm so ready for Spring (minus the alergies). My tulips and daffodils are already starting to sprout from it being so warm!

Diagnosis: Healthy

Ryan went to the doctor on Thursday for his late 6 year well check up. He is 52 lbs and 46 inches tall. He is now in the 75% for each. He use to be tall for his age but now he's just slightly taller than average. We noticed he was no longer the tallest in his class once he entered Kindergarten. He doesn't need any "pinches" until he's 11 and he's very happy about that! Except for the annual flu shot of course. The doctor always asks him a series of questions to answer. Here are some of his responses: his favorite food is still sweet potatoes, his favorite fruits are bananas and cherries, his favorite thing to do at school is to go outside and play, he does drink milk but likes juice and water too. He can jump on one foot and walk on his heels and then on his toes.


Gifted and Talented

Ryan's teacher called us last night and told me that she was going to reccomend him for the KIND program at their school. It's a gifted and talented program for Kindergartners. He has to take a test and be accepted but she has no doubt he will do fine. We are so proud of him and he's pretty excited too! He's already been doing 1st grade work along with one other classmate. This new program will hopefully challenge him even more. Way to go Ryan.