
How was Christmas?

We had a great Christmas. Ryan and Kaitlin got a lot of toys from Santa!! Later Christmas Day my mom, Jack, Stacey , Bob and Meagan came to visit for a few days. We got to open presents all over again! The picture is what our tree looked like after my mom and sister arrived. We had opened all of our things before they came....see what I mean about plenty of toys?? Ryan got so many games he didn't know what to play with first. We've been having lots of fun playing the new games and with Kaitlin's new toys. Mom and Jack left on Tuesday and then Stacey and Bob left on Wednesday morning. Now we have a few days to ourselves before we head up to NoVA on Friday to celebrate Meagan's 1st b-day on Sat. We are also going to have Christmas with my dad on Friday too! What a busy time of year! We will ring in the new year in Leesburg with friends! Hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve and be safe!

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