
This Week in Review 12/12-12/17

Monday was pretty uneventful. Tuesday Ryan had basketball practice again and did much better than last week. He's doing very well with his dribbling. Did I ever mention that Chris is the coach of the team? They are the Hornets! Wednesday we got our new dishwasher and Chris spent the evening installing it. It is so nice and quiet compared to the "builders special" that came with the house! Thursday Chris stayed home sick. He now had a sinus problem, if it's not one thing it's another. Friday we had watched Robots as a family. Kaitlin loves popcorn. It was also my grandma's 92nd bday!! I attempted to take pics of the kids for Christmas - here's what I got....We finally sent out our Christmas cards this week and our packages to family we can't spend Christmas with. Oh yeah, and Tuesday I declared myself officially done w/ Christmas shopping! YEAH!! Now it's time to start baking!

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