
Carving Pumpkins

The Saturday before Halloween we carved out our pumpkins! Ryan had created his own template - that ended up looking great! Daddy picked out something cute for Kaitlin and just freehanded something for himself. I on the other hand didn't want the traditional pumpkin face this year, I wanted a picture on mine. In the end I went w/ the cat on a moon! Since we carved 4 pumpkins we had LOTS of seeds to roast. Kaitlin still thought pumpkins were gross so she didn't help clean hers out!

Fun at the Beach

After the Race for the Cure was over on Saturday we had the rest of the day to play in the sand! It was really nice weather for mid October. Chris and Jane braved the water. Ryan was a sand architect and Kaitlin was trying to build sand castles and not get wet by an incoming tide. After the beach we went back to the hotel and went swimming in the indoor pool. For the first time ever Kaity was sad she had to get out instead of crying b/c we were trying to get her in! We also had lots of fun walking up and down Atlantic Blvd looking at all of the shops. We also played miniature golf and the kids have been wanting to play again!


Race for the Cure, Virginia Beach

This past week we spent with Chris' mom Jane. She came out from MN to visit and to participate in Race for the Cure in VA Beach. We had a Good time and great weather. We stayed at the beach Friday and Saturday nights so we had time for some other fun stuff too. We played Miniature golf, went shopping at various stores up and down the beach, went to the pool, we went to a few new restaurants and of couse played in the sand.

Enjoy the pictures!

Race for the Cure
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Fall is Here!

Fall 2007
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This weekend we took the kids to Kelly's nursery to pick out pumpkins. There were sooo many to choose from. We actually ended up with 6! Ryan says that's going to be a lot of pumpkin seeds. We also got some fall mums that we planted in the front yard. Ryan is carving one of his pumpkins at scouts on Tuesday and has already drawn out his design. I'm not sure what we are going to do with the rest of them. Kaitlin has one to paint and then one that we will carve for her. I wonder if she'll help clean out the pumpkins this year...last year she did not like the idea of getting her hands all dirty.

Our weather has finally changed to "fall" temps. It is cool at night and in the morning and in the 70's during the day. Makes it much better to be outside!


Ryan's Wolf Crossover

August 30th was Ryans official cross over from Tiger Cub to Wolf Cub. It was a VERY hot day at Sleepy Hole park where they held the ceremony. As you can tell from the picture they were so tired and exhausted from playing games etc. before they had the ceremony.

Ryan got a new handbook and a new neckerchief and slide. His Aunt Stacey and cousin Meagan were there with him to celebrate!

Ryan Lost Another Tooth!

Well, school pictures are going to be very interesting this year! Ryan will have a toothless grin. That is if he shows any teeth. He was so happy to finally loose another tooth, it has been over a year! Our dentist told us in June that his teeth were severely delayed in coming out but she ensured us that they were in there! I can't wait for the big teeth to come in, we just hope they come in straight! I guess we are now entering the "gawky" stage.
(Oh, and the shiner on the left eye lid is compliments of Kaitlin.)

Kaitlin's New "Castle"

As part of her third birthday, Kaitlin's Nonnie (my mom) decided to help us out by purchasing parts of Kaitlin's new big girl room accessories. One of which is this canopy, which Kaitlin refers to as her "castle." Daddy was out of town in Atlanta on business when it got shipped so we had to wait a few days to get it hung up! It is her favorite place to be now! I think it looks a little funny w/ her toddler bed but what can you do? Soon she will have her big girl furniture too!


Happy 3rd Birthday Kaitlin

For a long time we have been told by Kaitlin that she was going to have a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party! I decided to host a playdate there on her actual birthday and invite some kids from our SAHM's Meetup group. We had a great time and pretty much had the place to our selves that day. Kaitlin got a ton of things from her friends, then had a mini party at home with mom and dad and openened more gifts from us and Nonnie. As you can see from the pics, she's not spoiled, just indulged!

Happy Birthday Mommy

Well my bday has now come and gone. My mom and Jack came down to visit and watch the kids so that Chris and I could go to Busch Gardens for an adult day. We got to actually ride the rides we wanted to go on, together! I got a lot of new DVD's to watch and a new DVD player for upstairs. Now I can watch movies when there's football on! I got lots of other great presents too!

Tennessee 2007

This August we took our 2nd annual trip to Pigeon Forge, TN for the Bartley Family Reunion. We got there late on Thursday and got settled in. Chris was ready for a poker game this night! Friday we got up early and out the door to Dollywood. It was a VERY hot day but the kids had a lot of fun on the rides this year. Ryan went on the newest (and scariest) ride - The Mystery Mine Ride. After Dollywood we went back to the Challet to get cleaned up and then out to dinner at a local Pizzaria with Jack and his kids. Saturday Chris got up and went golfing while the girls got pampered with massages. We went to the pool and then later to the family dinner. Sunday we got up early and left for our long drive home. It usually takes about 8 hours but took us longer because of a huge accident. It was nice to be home!

Scuba Kids

Chris was cleaing the garage and came across Ryan's old life vest. We tried it on Kaity to see if she was ready for it. She would NOT take it off. So Ryan went and got his new one that he wears out on the boat w/ Daddy and they were "scuba kids" for the afternoon. Ryan got out the goggles and there were many fun pictures to take!

Rain Gutter Regatta

Ryan participated in his very first Rain Gutter Regatta. He had fun painting his boat and racing it. They held the race at Sleepy Hole Park. He and a few other pack members were there. He also got to participate in a flag ceremony.


Minnesota 2007

This year unfortunate circumstances brought us to Minnesota. Chris's Grandma Huhtala passed away and we all went out for the services. We stayed with Chris's brother Patrick and his wife Alison. We also got to spend some fun time with Brody. Last year he was only about 2 months old and didn't really notice if we were there or not. This time he was a lot of fun!! Chris and the kids went swimming in Uncle Patrick's pool a few times. Ryan wishes that we had one that big now! We caught up with family at the funeral services. It was nice to see everyone again we just wish it was under different circumstances. We spend some more time w/ Chris's dad Steve and his family before they went back to Iowa. We got together to celebrate his 60th b-day a little early. We also spent a day w/ Chris's mom Jane at the zoo. It was a wonderful afternoon for it - not to hot/humid. After the zoo we met the rest of the Tomascak clan for dinner (those that could make it). Then it was time to go home...we made it back but a little late. Now we are just about recooped and ready for the weekend.