
Fall is Here!

Fall 2007
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This weekend we took the kids to Kelly's nursery to pick out pumpkins. There were sooo many to choose from. We actually ended up with 6! Ryan says that's going to be a lot of pumpkin seeds. We also got some fall mums that we planted in the front yard. Ryan is carving one of his pumpkins at scouts on Tuesday and has already drawn out his design. I'm not sure what we are going to do with the rest of them. Kaitlin has one to paint and then one that we will carve for her. I wonder if she'll help clean out the pumpkins this year...last year she did not like the idea of getting her hands all dirty.

Our weather has finally changed to "fall" temps. It is cool at night and in the morning and in the 70's during the day. Makes it much better to be outside!

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