
Minnesota 2007

This year unfortunate circumstances brought us to Minnesota. Chris's Grandma Huhtala passed away and we all went out for the services. We stayed with Chris's brother Patrick and his wife Alison. We also got to spend some fun time with Brody. Last year he was only about 2 months old and didn't really notice if we were there or not. This time he was a lot of fun!! Chris and the kids went swimming in Uncle Patrick's pool a few times. Ryan wishes that we had one that big now! We caught up with family at the funeral services. It was nice to see everyone again we just wish it was under different circumstances. We spend some more time w/ Chris's dad Steve and his family before they went back to Iowa. We got together to celebrate his 60th b-day a little early. We also spent a day w/ Chris's mom Jane at the zoo. It was a wonderful afternoon for it - not to hot/humid. After the zoo we met the rest of the Tomascak clan for dinner (those that could make it). Then it was time to go home...we made it back but a little late. Now we are just about recooped and ready for the weekend.

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