
A Happy Thanksgiving and Ryan Turns 7

We went on a trip up to my mom's to celebrate Thanksgiving and two days later to have Ryan's family birthday party. We had almost no traffic getting up to moms. We left Suffolk about 10:30am and got to Annandale about 1:15pm. WE had a great dinner with Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and all the other trimmings. After cleaning up it was followed by desert! Stacey, Bob, Meagan and Jack joined us at mom's so we had a full house!!

Saturday was Ryan's real birthday! He's now officially 7 yrs old. We went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate with family and friends. After playing and having lunch we went to Aunt Stacey's house for cake and presents. Let's just say I think when ever Ryan has a playdate we are going to make it manditory for each kid to take home something! We don't know where to put all this new stuff! He got game boy games, movies, puzzles, toys -his favorite a Robo Reptile!! He also got some clothes which he needed regardless if he wanted or not. He even made himself a hat to wear for his special day.

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