
Fall is coming

Yesterday we had beautiful weather and we tried to be out as much as possible. When Ryan came home he was running in the back yard and found acorns! He use to love to collect them when he was younger and give them to the squirrels. Well, we don't have many squirrels here so he just collected them to look at. Kaitlin joined in the fun. It was getting very windy because a storm was about to come through so we had to head inside.


Playdate at the Park

This past Tuesday Kaitlin and I went to meet some of our friends at the park. It was a special playdate to celebrate her friend Aidan's 1st Birthday. It was a great day about 80 when we left. Kaitlin had fun playing in the tunnel at the park and running around with the other kids. I noticed that when she was running she'd put her arms out like she was a plane! Ryan use to do that as a kid and clothesline anyone too close.

Last weekend Nonnie and Jack came down to celebrate Grandparent's Week at Ryan's school. We all went to have lunch with him on Friday. He was so excited and proud that he got to have some one come and visit like the other kids in his class. I didn't tell him until the night before and apparently he told his teach first thing in the morning he was so happy. We had a good weekend and also went back to the school on Saturday for the first annual "Oakland Day" where the kids could play games and win prizes, get their faces painted etc. There were also lots of local vendors giving out freebies.


A Ride In The Wagon

We have had some very cool/mild weather the past few days. It was 80's over the weekend but it seemed too cool off early in the evening. Which is good for me because we like to go for walks after dinner. Kaitlin has decided that she likes to "walk" now instead of going for a ride. But in order for her to walk, it means I have to walk at her pace and that kind of defeats the purpose of trying to get some exercise. So last night after she was fighting with me about not wanting to get in the stroller, Chris suggested the wagon. Well, she loved it. She was good and sat down the entire time. I was scared she'd try to climb out. Ryan sat with her for a little bit of the ride and then he helped pull.

First Grade Here We Come

Last week Ryan started 1st grade at Oakland Elementary. He was very excited about starting school this year for a few reasons: he got the teacher he wanted (Mr. Rose), and his friends Ethan and Brayden were going to be in his class.

The year has gotten off to a good start. We have had a few issues with the bus routes but they have been straightened out now. We have to actually go and stand at the bus stop this year, no more getting picked up in front of the house - we were so spoiled by last years bus driver.

Ryan got his first homework assignment today - read for 15 mins. This is actually the homework for every night M-Th. No homework on Fridays!


Aunt Stacey and Cousin Meagan Visit

Last week we got to have lots of fun visiting with Aunt Stacey and Cousin Meagan for a whole week! Meagan and Kaity had a lot of fun playing with the kitchen set. It was a lot to clean up sometimes but worth it. Ryan enjoyed playing with his cousin Meagan but as always he tells us, "it's hard being the big brother and the big cousin." He'd hate to admit it but he has just as much fun with the kitchen set and other toys we have out for the girls as they do.

We even got to go through Ernesto on Friday with our guests. While Chris and I were at Ryan's 1st grade orientation we lost power, but only for about 2 hours and had some water come in our front bay window but no other damage.

Kaity did a better job of sticking up for herself this visit but still has a bit of an issue with sharing. We were constantly hearing, "No Meaggie!" Both girls are learning to count and would fill in the numbers the other didn't know or remember. They are also learning colors. Kaitlin's colors are "purple green" and Meagan's are "blue white." This means if you ask Kaity what color something is she automatically says purple, if that's wrong she'll say green. She does know purple and green though. The girls also enjoyed "swimming" in the tub.

Kaitlin's 2 Year Well Check Up

I took Kaitlin to her 2 year well check last week. She is doing well and even showed off for the Dr. a little this time. She is slowly coming out of her shy phase - slowly!! Here are her stats:

Weight - 26 lbs (less than 50%)
Height - 32 1/2 inches (less than 50%)
Head - 19 6/8 inches (95%)

So everything is right on target. She gained 2 lbs in 6 mos and grew 2 inches. She got a my little pony sticker for being so good during her appointment and a bouncy ball for sitting still while they collected blood for a lead screening. And of course her book -they give a book to the kids each appointment. The next time we go will be in Oct. for flu shots!