
Another Warm Week

It's nice again today! Suppose to be 63 and I'll take it for January. No sun so a little cold to go for a walk with Kaitlin but nice not to be bundled up! Friday it is suppose to be 66! Last week it was warm too. Ryan got to try out the scooter he got for Christmas 3 seperate days with his friend Samuel. He's getting better, just needs to work on his balance.

Ryan had his second basketball game last Friday and the team did much better. Can't wait to see how they do this friday. He also made 2 baskets in practice last tuesday. I hope he makes some tonight.

Kaitlin learned so much last week! She knows all of her face - nose, eyes, ears, mouth and then she knows "button" for belly button, diapy for diapers. She can say trash or "ech" is the noise she makes when she finds something she thinks is trash. She can go up and down the stairs but we still standby... We are starting to teach her some "potty" words in hopes to start potty training in the next few months. She is 17 months old today so we aren't far off from entering that stage.

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