
How was Christmas?

We had a great Christmas. Ryan and Kaitlin got a lot of toys from Santa!! Later Christmas Day my mom, Jack, Stacey , Bob and Meagan came to visit for a few days. We got to open presents all over again! The picture is what our tree looked like after my mom and sister arrived. We had opened all of our things before they came....see what I mean about plenty of toys?? Ryan got so many games he didn't know what to play with first. We've been having lots of fun playing the new games and with Kaitlin's new toys. Mom and Jack left on Tuesday and then Stacey and Bob left on Wednesday morning. Now we have a few days to ourselves before we head up to NoVA on Friday to celebrate Meagan's 1st b-day on Sat. We are also going to have Christmas with my dad on Friday too! What a busy time of year! We will ring in the new year in Leesburg with friends! Hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve and be safe!


This Week in Review 12/12-12/17

Monday was pretty uneventful. Tuesday Ryan had basketball practice again and did much better than last week. He's doing very well with his dribbling. Did I ever mention that Chris is the coach of the team? They are the Hornets! Wednesday we got our new dishwasher and Chris spent the evening installing it. It is so nice and quiet compared to the "builders special" that came with the house! Thursday Chris stayed home sick. He now had a sinus problem, if it's not one thing it's another. Friday we had watched Robots as a family. Kaitlin loves popcorn. It was also my grandma's 92nd bday!! I attempted to take pics of the kids for Christmas - here's what I got....We finally sent out our Christmas cards this week and our packages to family we can't spend Christmas with. Oh yeah, and Tuesday I declared myself officially done w/ Christmas shopping! YEAH!! Now it's time to start baking!


Pictures of the Week - 12/4-12/10

Here are some pics we took last week. Kaitlin and Ryan AKA Spiderman. Everytime he puts on that mask Kaitlin roars at him! And then we also have Kaitlin playing with her new little people farm. Daddy took this picture and she smiled nice for the camera. She will actually bring you the camera and have a huge smile on her face. If you say cheese that's what you get from her!


This Week in Review

Well we had a very interesting week. My sister came to visit on Monday evening and was suppose to go home on Tuesday but that didn't happen. Ryan and I had been sick the end of last week, Chris came home sick on Monday and somehow Meagan got sick Tuesday night and then Stacey first thing Wednesday morning. Good thing it is just a 24 hour thing but then it takes about 24 hours to recover from it. Stacey and Meagan finally made it home on Thursday. I got to disinfect the house again! It's nice and clean now. Friday I officially started my Christmas shopping and am actually almost done. Today we went back out to get more things. Only a few things left to buy now - for those difficult people - you know who you are! We are also working on getting the cards out. We are way behind on those. I've usually got them ready to go by the 1st of December.

Ryan came home on Wednesday from school and told us that he is going to be doing 1st grade work, I later found out it is 1st grade reading and math. He and one other classmate are ahead of the others and are going to be pulled aside and given different books.

Kaitlin is walking like crazy and sometimes almost running. She's doing better not to fall down when she really gets going. Her bangs are always in her face because she won't keep her bows in! Oh well, a few more months and we'll be able to do a full pony tail. Everything is still a puppy to her. We've been working on animals and sounds but all the puppys say "woof".

The Wizard of Oz is almost over and then it's bed time. Will post more later.


Our Star Student

Congratulations Ryan!! He was named the Star Student for his class for the month of December. Unfortunately he was sick and missed the awards ceremony on Friday... He got a gift certificate for free dinner at Appleby's. We are very proud of him. He also got his report card a few weeks ago and got a very good review. His teacher loves having him in her class. He's a little more advanced thant he other kids so he is asked to help them. He is also going to be in a small group (Ryan and about 3 others) that are going to start reading and writing short stories. I can't believe how much they learn in kindergarten these days.


Under the Weather

Sorry I haven't posted anything in the past few days. Ryan and I got some sort of 24 hour bug Thurs/Fri. We are finally feeling almost back to normal. I spent last night disinfecting the house!

We have started our Christmas shopping finally and even have one person done. A lot more to go... Hope everyone one is doing well and that you are not going to crazy fighting for parking at the mall. I swear next year I'm going to start earlier (I know I say that every year!)