
Memorial Day = Long Weekend!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend. It started off with Chris getting home early on Friday. We are always happy when Daddy is home before dinner! Saturday we went and got Ryan and Chris's hair cut and enjoyed smoothies from the new Tropical Smoothie Cafe that just opened near our house. Then it was off Best Buy and Old Navy before going to the movies to see Shrek the 3rd. (Not as good as the other ones but the kids enjoyed it all the same). Kaitlin fell asleep in the car on the way home and transitioned well to her own bed. I then decided to take a nap too!

Sunday Chris got up early and bought the kids a new pool. He blew it up and filled it up w/ water before he made us a wonderful breakfast. Then he left us for the day to go fishing with a few friends. We were outside from about 11am to 5pm and we have the suntans to prove it! It was about 90 degrees this day. Ryan played with his friend PJ across the street and I got to hang out and have adult conversation!

Monday Chris and the kids got in the pool about 10 am. Then we came in for lunch and chilled out before heading to a BBQ at 4pm. The cookout was nice but still hot! We were home by 7pm and it was time to get back to the grind. Kids in the tub and in bed. Lunches made for the next day...only 12 more days of school!

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