
Memorial Day = Long Weekend!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend. It started off with Chris getting home early on Friday. We are always happy when Daddy is home before dinner! Saturday we went and got Ryan and Chris's hair cut and enjoyed smoothies from the new Tropical Smoothie Cafe that just opened near our house. Then it was off Best Buy and Old Navy before going to the movies to see Shrek the 3rd. (Not as good as the other ones but the kids enjoyed it all the same). Kaitlin fell asleep in the car on the way home and transitioned well to her own bed. I then decided to take a nap too!

Sunday Chris got up early and bought the kids a new pool. He blew it up and filled it up w/ water before he made us a wonderful breakfast. Then he left us for the day to go fishing with a few friends. We were outside from about 11am to 5pm and we have the suntans to prove it! It was about 90 degrees this day. Ryan played with his friend PJ across the street and I got to hang out and have adult conversation!

Monday Chris and the kids got in the pool about 10 am. Then we came in for lunch and chilled out before heading to a BBQ at 4pm. The cookout was nice but still hot! We were home by 7pm and it was time to get back to the grind. Kids in the tub and in bed. Lunches made for the next day...only 12 more days of school!


Strawberry Picking at Lilley Farms

This past Saturday I organized a strawberry picking outing for the members of my Stay at Home Mom's group. We met at 10am in Chesapeake at Lilley Farms. We had a good time and the weather was great. Ryan took the gallon bucket ($7.50) and Kaitlin had a basket ($5.00) and we filled them until they were over flowing! Ryan even started putting some in his pockets (I didn't know until we got to the car and he started handing them to me). So we have frozen 2 gallon size freezer bags of berries and the rest are almost gone. We've been having strawberry smoothies, strawberry shortcake and strawberry milkshakes!

Visit with Grandpa Steve

We got a call one night from Chris's dad asking us what we were doing the week of May 13-20th. I told him that aside from having Mother's Day we didn't have any plans an that we would be home that week. A few days later he called and said his leave was approved and he'd be out on the evening of the 13th and that he was brining Chris's sister Heather along for the ride too! We had a great visit. Kaitlin couldn't get enough of her Grandpa and was really sad when he left. Everytime she heard the door open that afternoon she thought it was him coming back. One day Chris took them to Nauticus and went on the Victory Rover tour of Naval Station Norfolk. I took them to the beach another day. We cooked out a lot and ate way too much junk!


Warm Day

The past few days we have had a taste of summer! It's been in the 80's and near 90. It is nice for it to be warm because we were wondering if spring would ever officially arrive, but now it's too hot! Kaitlin has really been enjoying being outside. If we aren't doing something she wants to go out and swing. Here are some cute pics we just took on Tuesday. For once she was wanting to have her photo taken!

Family Fishing Day

Last Saturday Ryan got to go fishing! It was family fishing day at Sleepy Hole Park. An event that they put on for free - they supply bait and rods if needed and the kids get a certificate and goodie bag when they are done. We met the rest of his cub scout pack there (some of them had camped out the night before). They all seemed to have a really good time. In the hour and a half we were there Ryan and Daddy caught 2 sun fish (they were also calling them yellow bellies). We had to leave b/c the gnats were eating us alive! He had a great time and can't wait to go out on the boat w/ daddy and catch more fish soon! But he won't be eating them!