
Spring Break

What a chilly spring break we had!! We went to my sister's house for a few days and then on to my mom's.

We arrived on Monday afternoon at Stacey's and got settled before going out to dinner. Tuesday morning we went to visit GiGi and later after dinner we went to the outlet mall. Wednesday we just kind of had an around the house day. Dad and Gail came for a visit and lunch. They broght the kids all kinds of goodies from their house that they were trying to get rid of. Later that night I met my mom at the mall. We had dinner and then the kids went on the carousel (2 times). Kaitlin wasn't so sure about it at first but then she had to go again. She said she wanted to ride the "Princess Ponies." Soon after our vacation went all down hill. Kaitlin got sick at the mall. We immediatly left and she was getting sick all night long. Thursday afternoon she was feeling better. We went to mom's on Thurday and left on Saturday. Friday she and Ryan went to the movies and saw Meet the Robinson's in 3-D. Jack came over and visited too. Mom also bought a coconut for Ryan. He has been wanting to see what a "real" coconut is like and taste the milk inside. It was quite a job opening but he thought it was very cool. He kept a chunk of the shell. We went to the park on Saturday and then left about 4pm b/c we were suppose to have some severe weather on Sunday. About 30 mins into the car ride home, Ryan started getting sick. All the way home, 3 hours of getting sick in the car. What a nightmare. But he was really good about it. We had a bag and we stopped a few times. He was sick just that night and then fine.

We are all glad to be home and feeling better.

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