
Happy Valentine's Day

What a busy day we had! Kaitlin of course started the day w/ having to wear her Valentine's Day dress from last year. Well, that would have been fine if it fit. It was about two sizes too small. I used the little bit of fashion sense I have left and she ended up looking adorable. I tried really hard to get a good picture but from the slide show, you can see she didn't really want to cooperate. She did sit still long enough for me to braid her hair. It was an experiment but ended up great.

We went to Ryan's school for his class party. He loves to show off his little sister. All of his classmates want to play with her. Luckily the party was cut a little short so Kaitlin still had time to get home and have a nap.

Daddy surprised us and came home early. We opened our presents to each other. Ryan got an extra special gift. For getting straigh A's again in school - a new Nintendo Wii. We ordered Chinese for dinner and the boys played with the Wii the rest of the night.

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