
Merry Christmas

Aren't the kids suppose to wake up the parents on Christmas Day?? Well Chris woke up about 8:30am and then went and got up Ryan and Kaity. We went downstairs to see what Santa had brought for us. Ryan was shocked by the amount of gifts under the tree and in the stockings.

It took a good while to open everything. One of Chris's gifts was a new waffle iron so he immediately made use of it by making us waffles for breakfast. After breakfast it was time to clean up and get ready for round 2. My sister and her family along with my mom and Jack were going to be at our house about 3pm or so. I had to clean up all our paper and gifts and make room for more.

We opened presents pretty soon after they arrived. The little girls needed to take a break and eat so we all did. Then after dinner they decided to open the remainder of their packages. So much stuff we don't know where to put it all. One of Kaitlin's favorites was her beauty boutique and her new chair. Ryan got a guitar and even played a few songs for us Christmas night.

Oh, and I almost forgot, the biggest shocker of the night - My mom and Jack are finally getting married. He proposed infront of all of us and she said yes. The ring was beautiful but none of us could really see it though all of our tears!

Our guests stayed until Wednesday morning and left to go home. Now it was time for me to really clean things up, do laundry and get ready to go there the next day!

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