
Pine Wood Derby

Saturday, January 27th was Ryan's first ever Pine Wood Derby. He and Chris (well mostly Chris) had been working on and off for about 3 weeks to get his car ready. They collaborated on a design and color scheme. When we got to the derby racing site they asked us the name of our car. We hadn't named it so the man registering us named it "Blue Streak". Ryan's car did very well, winning him 1st place in his division. Funny thing is, there were only 2 of them. He and his other Tiger Cub pal are going to Districts in March to race against the other Tiger Cubs in the area. For winning first place Ryan got a medal to put on his uniform.


January SNow Showers

Well it was nice while it lasted. Even though there was barely any accumulation in the 20 min snow shower Ryan and Kaitlin wanted to go out and play in it. Ryan even layed down to make snow angels in the dusting. The last time it snowed was the day after Christmas in 2004. Kaitlin was too young to remember it. She thought this was kind of fun but didn't like the cold. She kept telling me, "it cold outside." I is freezing today only 19 when we got up but felt like 5-10 b/c of the wind chill. That's the coldest it's been. The high today is only 38. Luckily it's going to be 50's tomorrow. Back to the average.


Not for the Faint of Heart

Ryan started 2007 with a bang - to the back of his head. This was followed by a trip to the ER for what we thought would be stitches but nope, he got staples - 2 of them. He was playing in the playroom and went to sit down but missed the chair, fell back and hit his head on the chair. There was blood everywhere! He was scared b/c of the blood and it was really painful. After cleaning him up and calming him down Chris took Ryan across the street to the hospital. They were there for 4 1/2 hours! Good thing there's Tivo, daddy had set aside this night to watch the season premier of his favorite show, 24.

The next day Ryan was upstaged by his Pop Pop who had hip replacement surgery and got 16 staples - now they have something else in common. (My dad is doing great and his home from the hospital now).

Today we went to the doctor and had the staples removed. He's glad they are gone so no one asks to see them any more. I know this is probably not the last time but hopefully it will be a long time before we see another injury.

Little Miss Kait

Well, we have recovered from Christmas and New Years and are trying to get our lives back on track. It has taken a little longer than I thought it would. I can't wait for spring so we can clean out/purge the house of all the unwanted things that we have. There's more than I'd like to admit. We have found at least "temporary" homes for all of the new Christmas toys. Kaitlin has taken a liking to her new chair, her new laptop and her Beauty Boutique. Kaity and mommy also have some great news to report - Kaitlin is a big girl now and goes to bed all on her own with no "assistance" needed. She does equally well for both Mommy and Daddy. This was my new year's resolution and so far it's a keeper. If only losing about 10 lbs was so easy!


Meagan Turns 2

Happy Birthday Meagan!! On Saturday, December 30th at 4pm we went to Meagan's Jo Jo's Circus Party. All day Kaitlin was asking when we were going to "go party eat cake". There were are a lot of people there but be had a good time. Meagan got lots of presents and the kids enjoyed eating messy cupcakes! Now that we are home Kaitlin still talks about the Jo Jo party and wants us to go to another party. I think that's because she wants more cake. Here are some pictures from the party.


Merry Christmas

Aren't the kids suppose to wake up the parents on Christmas Day?? Well Chris woke up about 8:30am and then went and got up Ryan and Kaity. We went downstairs to see what Santa had brought for us. Ryan was shocked by the amount of gifts under the tree and in the stockings.

It took a good while to open everything. One of Chris's gifts was a new waffle iron so he immediately made use of it by making us waffles for breakfast. After breakfast it was time to clean up and get ready for round 2. My sister and her family along with my mom and Jack were going to be at our house about 3pm or so. I had to clean up all our paper and gifts and make room for more.

We opened presents pretty soon after they arrived. The little girls needed to take a break and eat so we all did. Then after dinner they decided to open the remainder of their packages. So much stuff we don't know where to put it all. One of Kaitlin's favorites was her beauty boutique and her new chair. Ryan got a guitar and even played a few songs for us Christmas night.

Oh, and I almost forgot, the biggest shocker of the night - My mom and Jack are finally getting married. He proposed infront of all of us and she said yes. The ring was beautiful but none of us could really see it though all of our tears!

Our guests stayed until Wednesday morning and left to go home. Now it was time for me to really clean things up, do laundry and get ready to go there the next day!