
A Very Hot July Day

We are in a heat wave - along with the rest of the country! We are going to feel like 102 today. This morning we got up and were getting ready to go on our morning walk and decided against it. It was already 86 degrees at 9am! So I set up Ryan's slip 'n' slide and the pool for the kids to play in and cool off. We had to get outside to get some of that energy out!! They had fun and played outside for about 2 hours. Then we were all hot and ready for lunch. Kaitlin is doing a lot better with the pool. She wants to get in it now. She surprised me by actually gettin on her hands and knees and pretended to swim back and forth across the pool. Ryan had a lot of fun on his slip 'n' slide. He showed me how he could get his face wet - and a took a picture to prove it!

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