
A Very Hot July Day

We are in a heat wave - along with the rest of the country! We are going to feel like 102 today. This morning we got up and were getting ready to go on our morning walk and decided against it. It was already 86 degrees at 9am! So I set up Ryan's slip 'n' slide and the pool for the kids to play in and cool off. We had to get outside to get some of that energy out!! They had fun and played outside for about 2 hours. Then we were all hot and ready for lunch. Kaitlin is doing a lot better with the pool. She wants to get in it now. She surprised me by actually gettin on her hands and knees and pretended to swim back and forth across the pool. Ryan had a lot of fun on his slip 'n' slide. He showed me how he could get his face wet - and a took a picture to prove it!


Ryan Pretends

While cleaning out my closet a few days ago I came upon this old Air Force jacket of my dad's. I've had it for a very long time. I've almost gotten rid of it a few times but never did. I have now passed it on to Ryan to play soldier with. He got a real kick out of wearing something that use to be Pop Pops. We emailed one of the pictures to my dad and he had no idea I even had that. He was very thrilled with the picture.


Pictures from MN 2006

For some reason I can't post the pictures in the last post so here are some pictures we took in MN. Ryan and Kaitlin posed for a picture while at lunch with Jim and Pam. Ryan and his new buddy Mithc fix the slip n slide. Brody at 2 months. Kaitlin and Ryan with their Great Grandma Norma.

Minnesota 2006

What a trip!! Chris has vowed to me that we will never drive that again! (and I'm going to hold him to it) Well we left Suffolk on Thursday, June 29th at about 7:30am and arrived to Patrick and Alison's house in Andover, MN on Friday at 7:30pm CST. We stopped in Richmond, IN on the first leg of the trip. Kaitlin was crying after about the first 30 mins. We knew we were in for it! Lets just say we now can sing along with all the Barney and Wiggles DVD's!

Here's what we did while we were visiting:

Saturday we rested up and spent some quality time with our new nephew Brody. He's so cute and really is a good baby. Ryan went to see the movie cars with his Grandma MN and when they came back we cooked out for dinner.

Sunday Alison and I did some shopping and had lunch out while the boys were at a Twins game

Monday we did a little more shopping and got things ready for the 4th of July cookout at their house on Tues. Ryan played with Mitch, a neighbor of Pat and Alison's that was his age.

Tuesday at 4pm we did our cookout. Prior to that Chris and Patrick exchanged b-day gifts. Chris's b-day was June 22 and Pat's is July 13th. A lot of family came to visit that we hadn't seen in a while and a few friends too. Later that night after everyone left we set off fireworks in the back yard.

Wednesday we went to get pictures taken of the 3 kids and then to see Chris's Grandma Huhtala. We also had lunch w/ his Aunt Pam and Uncle Jim Huhtala. Then it was back to the house for dinner and packing up!

We left Thursday a little later than planned - about 10:30am CST. We were surprised with a call from Chris's dad and we were only 10 miles from where he was stopped in Wisconsin. So we took a few mins to have lunch with him and then on our way. We only made it to Danville, IL the first night and then home by 10:30pm EST on Friday. The kids were so wound up we didn't even go to bed until midnight.

It's good to be home but now I'm bored :) .