
Nonnie's Visit and Mother's Day

Nonnie came to visit on Wednesday, May 10th and stayed until Monday, May 15th. Chris was in TN on a fishing trip so she came down to visit and keep me company. Friday we got to go have lunch with Ryan at his school in honor of mother's day. We got to eat the school lunch that day - a choice of popcorn shrimp and rice or meatloaf and mashed potatoes w/ various veggies/fruit available. It wasn't too bad for $2. Then Ryan bought us each a carnation. Saturday we went to the ocean. It was a beautiful day. A little on the cool side in the shade but we still managed to get sunburns through the lotion we put on. Ryan had fun playing in the sand. For Mother's Day my mom and I went to the Hilton for brunch, this is after I had to "hunt" for my presents. Ryan told me I was too old for the Hot/Cold game but I found everything. He got me a silver heart locket necklace (via nonnie) and Kaitlin got me a silver heart on a charm bracelet (also via nonnie). It was a very nice day - until it started raining...we came home and had a relaxing afternoon. I put Kait down for a nap and we played a math game with Ryan. Mom left early monday morning after Ryan got on the bus.

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