
Look Mom, No Cavities

Ryan went to the dentist today and did a great job! He had lots of questions for the woman cleaning his teeth! He wanted to know what everything did and if she had used all of that stuff! He has NO cavities which is great! He has lots of space between his teeth which is good for the adult teeth to grow in and not be over crowded. They said by the time he starts 1st grade he will have lost one or both of his bottom center teeth. He's been wiggling them for days b/c all of his friends in school have lost teeth but him. He's also getting his 6yr molars in (a little late) and they have been causing him s ome pain.) He got a new tooth brush but didn't like that they only had Power Rangers...oh well. He also got some dental floss , 2 tubes of trial size toothpaste for kids and Trident sugar free gum b/c he was so good.


Happy Memorial Day

We had a very relaxing weekend at home. No big plans. Chris filled up the baby pool for Ryan and Kaity to cool off in but Kaitlin didn't want to get in. I think it was still to cold. If it was warm like the tub she might have been fine - but confused as to why she had clothes on. We cooked out 2 nights and went on lots of walks. We saw the ducks many times this weekend. It was a little warmer out than I would have liked but summer is almost here.


Blue Bird Gap Farm

Last week Kaitlin and I went with some friends to Blue Bird Gap Farm in Hampton. She had a really good time. Since she is still learning all her animals and sounds she had fun seeing the animals in person. Of couse her favorite thing was seeing the ducks! They had swans and geese too - but to her, all ducks. She pet Charlie the horse and liked the cows too. I think her next favorite was Janey the pig (over grown potbellied pig). They had bunnies and baby goats for sale. We had a picnic lunch and then came home. They had a nice playground too but there were too many kids on field trips already enjoying it.


Nonnie's Visit and Mother's Day

Nonnie came to visit on Wednesday, May 10th and stayed until Monday, May 15th. Chris was in TN on a fishing trip so she came down to visit and keep me company. Friday we got to go have lunch with Ryan at his school in honor of mother's day. We got to eat the school lunch that day - a choice of popcorn shrimp and rice or meatloaf and mashed potatoes w/ various veggies/fruit available. It wasn't too bad for $2. Then Ryan bought us each a carnation. Saturday we went to the ocean. It was a beautiful day. A little on the cool side in the shade but we still managed to get sunburns through the lotion we put on. Ryan had fun playing in the sand. For Mother's Day my mom and I went to the Hilton for brunch, this is after I had to "hunt" for my presents. Ryan told me I was too old for the Hot/Cold game but I found everything. He got me a silver heart locket necklace (via nonnie) and Kaitlin got me a silver heart on a charm bracelet (also via nonnie). It was a very nice day - until it started raining...we came home and had a relaxing afternoon. I put Kait down for a nap and we played a math game with Ryan. Mom left early monday morning after Ryan got on the bus.


Me and My Senses

That was the title of Ryan's kindergarten PTA program. He was very brave and did the introduction, "Welcome Family and Friends, Please sit back and Relax and enjoy Me and My Senses." I was so scared he'd be nervouse and not do it because of all the people there. But he ensured me he'd do fine and he did. BUT...during the show he looked a little less than excited. Just earlier we couldn't keep him still and at the show he was about to fall asleep from bordem. I asked him why he didn't do any of the hand gestures or anything and he said ha was just nervous. Here are a few pictures we took of the unenthused Ryan.


Stawberry Picking in Pungo

This morning Kaitlin and I went with our moms group to Pungo, the reason for driving so far?? Stawberries!! It was about 50 miles into the southern part of VA Beach. We had a great time picking them. It was over fast but she really got the hang of it. At first she wanted to pick the green ones. Then I'd pick them, hand them to her and she'd put them in the basket. Or rather she threw them in the basket. In the end we had about 6.5 lbs of stawberries and it cost us $8. What a steal. Here are some pictures of our day.

Welcome Brody Joseph Huhtala

Yesterday at 8:27am CT Patrick and Alison welcomed new son Brody Joseph to the world! He weighed in at 7 lbs. 13 oz and was 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great . They are at Region's Hospital in St. Paul, MN.

He's so cute and we can't wait to intoduce him to his cousins Ryan and Kaitlin in June/July. You did a great job guys, Congratulations.

Also new to the world this week - Josephine O'Rourke Lines!! She was born May 4th to my cousin David and his wife Sheila in Brooklyn, NY. And since I'm at it, my cousin Karen and her husband Paul also had a baby a few weeks ago, another boy - Andrew James on April 4th. So many new cousins.