
Spring Break

Wednesday, April 12th we drove up to Aunt Stacey's house in Ashburn, VA. We stayed there until Sunday. Wednesday we had "girls night" and went out to do some shopping - what girls do best!! Thursday we joined Aunt Stacey and Meagan at their weekly playgroup at our friend Robin's house. Friday we went to visit Pop Pop and Grandma Gail and Ryan stayed the night w/ Nonnie and they went to see Ice Age 2. Saturday we went over to mom's for easter dinner and to see Gi Gi. We had to split Easter up into 2 days so I could leave at a decent time to get home on Sunday. The kids had fun playing at the park at Nonnie's. It was a beautiful day - was suppose to rain and didn't - that's always nice. Here are some of the pics we took at Nonnie's park.

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