
We're Back on Blogger!!

Ok, so it's been a very long time since I've posted anything. So long in fact that I'm now using a different email address and had the hardest time signing in. I'm going to try and get back on board and update as often as I can.
Here are some updates on "us".
Chris - still working @ Baker and was traveling quite a bit. It has calmed down for a while (probably the calm before the storm). He's been helping out a lot with football games and scouts.
Ryan - just finishing up his first season of playing football with Pop Warner. He's doing really great and his team is now 6-1 after this mornings game. He is in 4th grade and trying to get use to the mountains of homework that get assigned each night. I keep telling him this is just the begining! He's getting great grades. Ryan is also still in scouts although he has only been to one meeting this year b/c football practice is on the same night. He's now a Weblos 1. We just signed Ryan up for indoor soccer today so not too much down time before the next sport begins.
Kaitlin - just started her first year of Kindergarten. I can't belive my "baby" is not a baby any more. She is the opposite of what Ryan was at this age. She does NOT like school and asks every night if she has to go back. Her teachers are telling me that she's slowly opening up.
Me - well not much new. I'm still working at EDS which is now HP. Still wishing I was a SAHM or just working part time - lots of "mommy guilt".

In the past year we have added a few more short furry kids to our family. As many of you know we have had Jessie - our beagle for about 4 1/2 years but now we have Bella, Peachie and Dora - our 3 cats. Long story short, Bella found us, we took her in, she was "with kittens" and we had 5 babies. We found homes for 3 and kept 2.