
Ryan's Wolf Crossover

August 30th was Ryans official cross over from Tiger Cub to Wolf Cub. It was a VERY hot day at Sleepy Hole park where they held the ceremony. As you can tell from the picture they were so tired and exhausted from playing games etc. before they had the ceremony.

Ryan got a new handbook and a new neckerchief and slide. His Aunt Stacey and cousin Meagan were there with him to celebrate!

Ryan Lost Another Tooth!

Well, school pictures are going to be very interesting this year! Ryan will have a toothless grin. That is if he shows any teeth. He was so happy to finally loose another tooth, it has been over a year! Our dentist told us in June that his teeth were severely delayed in coming out but she ensured us that they were in there! I can't wait for the big teeth to come in, we just hope they come in straight! I guess we are now entering the "gawky" stage.
(Oh, and the shiner on the left eye lid is compliments of Kaitlin.)

Kaitlin's New "Castle"

As part of her third birthday, Kaitlin's Nonnie (my mom) decided to help us out by purchasing parts of Kaitlin's new big girl room accessories. One of which is this canopy, which Kaitlin refers to as her "castle." Daddy was out of town in Atlanta on business when it got shipped so we had to wait a few days to get it hung up! It is her favorite place to be now! I think it looks a little funny w/ her toddler bed but what can you do? Soon she will have her big girl furniture too!