
Happy 3rd Birthday Kaitlin

For a long time we have been told by Kaitlin that she was going to have a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party! I decided to host a playdate there on her actual birthday and invite some kids from our SAHM's Meetup group. We had a great time and pretty much had the place to our selves that day. Kaitlin got a ton of things from her friends, then had a mini party at home with mom and dad and openened more gifts from us and Nonnie. As you can see from the pics, she's not spoiled, just indulged!

Happy Birthday Mommy

Well my bday has now come and gone. My mom and Jack came down to visit and watch the kids so that Chris and I could go to Busch Gardens for an adult day. We got to actually ride the rides we wanted to go on, together! I got a lot of new DVD's to watch and a new DVD player for upstairs. Now I can watch movies when there's football on! I got lots of other great presents too!

Tennessee 2007

This August we took our 2nd annual trip to Pigeon Forge, TN for the Bartley Family Reunion. We got there late on Thursday and got settled in. Chris was ready for a poker game this night! Friday we got up early and out the door to Dollywood. It was a VERY hot day but the kids had a lot of fun on the rides this year. Ryan went on the newest (and scariest) ride - The Mystery Mine Ride. After Dollywood we went back to the Challet to get cleaned up and then out to dinner at a local Pizzaria with Jack and his kids. Saturday Chris got up and went golfing while the girls got pampered with massages. We went to the pool and then later to the family dinner. Sunday we got up early and left for our long drive home. It usually takes about 8 hours but took us longer because of a huge accident. It was nice to be home!

Scuba Kids

Chris was cleaing the garage and came across Ryan's old life vest. We tried it on Kaity to see if she was ready for it. She would NOT take it off. So Ryan went and got his new one that he wears out on the boat w/ Daddy and they were "scuba kids" for the afternoon. Ryan got out the goggles and there were many fun pictures to take!

Rain Gutter Regatta

Ryan participated in his very first Rain Gutter Regatta. He had fun painting his boat and racing it. They held the race at Sleepy Hole Park. He and a few other pack members were there. He also got to participate in a flag ceremony.