
"My Room Looks Like Marshmellows"

One quiet afternoon I put Kaitlin down for her nap. I didn't hear noises coming from her room and so I assumed she was sleeping. I was just down the hall in the office on the computer when I noticed a very "baby fresh" smell. I went to check on Kaitlin and well, she wasn't sleeping! She had actually been very busy making her room "look like marshmellos". We had some smores a few days before, and even though she didn't like the whole graham cracker, chocolate, marshmellow combination she did like the fluffy white treats all by them selves. I was very happy with how I handled the situation. I could have gotten very mad at her for making such a big mess, but no, I went and got the camera and took some pictures. We walked down the street to get Ryan off of the bus a few minutes later and she told everyone "I smell good!"