
St. Patrick's Day at the Children's Museum

Saturday we went to the Children's Museum in Portsmouth. We have been many times and love it so I wanted to take Stacey and Meagan too. We had a good time going to the pretend grocery store and bank. There were life size bubbles to be made and the kids could get in a bus and fire truck. We saw lots of trains and played in the upstairs play area before leaving. It was information overload!!

The Jumpin' Monkey

Aunt Stacey and Cousin Meagan came down for a visit this past Thursday. Friday we drove into Virginia Beach and went to a bounce house called the Jumpin' Monkey. Since one of Kaitlin's favorite things to do is to "Jump like tigger" I thought she'd have a great time. I don't think she was sure at first but soon got into it. There were 6 large bouncers and lots of toys to play with. There were also dress ups to try on but who wants to take time to do that when they can be jumping? It was such a horrible rainy day this was the perfect thing to go do. The girls had a good time and got nice and worn out.

Enjoy the slide show from the Jumping Monkey at the top of the post.


The Greatest Show on Earth

Sunday, March 4th we took Ryan and Kaitlin to the Circus at the Hampton Colliseum. We kept it a secret from them. Ryan was making a lot of guesses on the way there. First he said circus, then it was farm, zoo, somewhere with animals... Well he should have stuck with his first instincts. We had great seats right on the arena floor. Chris was quick to give the kids the total circus experience by buying them popcorn and cotton candy. The cotton candy came in a tall circus hat and Kaity had a good time wearing that. She sat very still for the entire performance. I think her favorite things were the Elephants. There were 10 different ones. Ryan has told us his favorite things were the dogs. I have to admit they were pretty cute. He just wishes our dog could do tricks like that! We had a wonderful time and will definately try to go again next year.