
Brotherly Love

Yesterday Kaitlin was being very clingy. I was so tired of holding her, my back was hurting, my arms were hurting. I just couldn't pick her up any more. So Kaitlin decided to go and beg Ryan to hold her. This is the first time this has happened. He was very willing to show us how strong he was and that he could pick her up w/ no problem. I'm so glad the camera was close by because these are some of my favorite pictures to date!

Carving Pumpkins

Saturday we carved our pumpkins to prepare for Halloween. Kaitlin's is cute and Ryan's is scary. Kaitlin didn't know about putting her hands in the pumpkin but she saw us do it a few times so she dove on in. She got pumpkin all over her. She does love pumpkin seeds!!


Clark Farms Pumpkin Patch

This past Saturday we went to get our Halloween pumpkins. We went to Clark Farms which is about 30 mins from our house. It was a chilly day so we got pumpkins that had already been picked. It was very had to decide but we finally came to a decision. Kaitlin loved looking at and touching the pumpkins. She picked out a few and we chose which one was best. Ryan found his almost right away. After finding our pumpkins we went on a hayride. It took us out to the patch and back. Kaity wasn't so sure about the "hay" and wouldn't smile for any picks. Next weekend we will carve the pumpkins. Ryan has already sketched out the scary face for his.


Ryan's New Bedroom Set

Here it is. For all of you I've been telling about this. Here is Ryan's new Flexa bed. We had such a hard time deciding which of the combinations we should get but this seemed to work out best. It takes up a lot of room but he loves it. Last night was his first night in his new bed and he could spread out in every direction and not touch anything! He also did his homework on his new desk and found a few other things to do up there too. He even went to bed early last night because it was going to take a while to find a "comfy spot."

Tiger Cub

Last month Ryan joined Tiger Cubs. I know, I said I'd never do it but he wanted it really bad. Now not only is he in it but I am acting as the den leader. We only have 3 boys in his den right now but are trying to recruit others from his school. He is having fun so far. Next month at the pack meeting he will get his bobcat badge and is very excited. He's been working hard memorizing all of his pledges, promises, motos and such. I think he will be a well decorated scout!!


Kaitlin Brushes Her Teeth

I took these pictures of Kaitlin yesterday. She just would not stop brushing her teeth. She is OCD when it comes to anything with water. She also loves her new cookie monster toothbrush that is purple/green - her favorite colors. I have to stay in the room with her now, or check on her every minute. I got her set up for brushing her teeth, went to get something from my room, came back and she was standing in the sink!! She wanted the soap that was up high so she could now wash her hands. I think she used half the container washing her hands a few days ago! Anyways she loves to brush her teeth and does a really good job of it now. She has even learned to spit!