
Kaitlin the Princess

Well Kaitlin has just started to like getting all dressed up. She is a tomboy and a princess. She loves to play in the mud and wear her tiara! I guess you can say she's a very well rounded girl. On Father's Day she decided to be daddy's little princess and left her tiara on for a while. Here she is posing in her rocker.

Chuck E Cheese

My mom and Jack were visiting this past weekend. We had lots of fun w/ the kids. Since Ryan finished school with straight "G's". We decided to treat him to where ever he wanted to go. He chose Chuck E Cheese. Although we were a little hesitant about going there on a Saturday afternoon, it was actually not croweded. He had lots of fun playing games with his daddy. Kaitlin had fun the the kiddie area too. It was nice that we could eat in there and she could play. She's not very fond of Chuck E Cheese himself! We stayed about 2 hours, disinfected everyone and went home. Here are some pics we took.


Kaitlin and the "Buggie"

Here is Kaitlin and the "Buggie" a.k.a. froggie that we saw while visiting Blue Bird Gap Farm Park last week. For some reason she just can't get the "f" sound out so it's buggie - at least we know what she's saying. She has become obsessed with frogs/toads lately. Now she wants to go and find them in the back yard every day. She would torture those poor toads for hours making them hop all over creation. Eventually she does say "bye bye buggie" and we look for them the next day - or later that night).

Kaitlin also likes duckies and munnies (bunnies). Money,Bunny, and Honey all come out Munny so it can be interesting trying to figure out which she is refering to. We see ducks on our walks everyday. We saw a bunny once and now she's always looking for it. We did see a squirel yesterday which is kind of rare and she thought it was a bunny so now she's all confused!

Kindergarten Comes to an End

Last week Ryan had his awards ceremony at school. He got a Kindergarten Completion Award along with an Academic Achievement Award. We are very proud of how well he's done in school this year. I can't believe how well he is reading and writing along with his outstanding math skills. His Aunt Stacey came down to see him get his award along with her daughter Meagan. After the ceremony we got to go back to Ryan's class and have refreshments. He was very excited for his Aunt to see his classroom and meet his teacher and his friends. He also got to show everyone his cousin Meagan.